There is no such thing as COINCIDENCE. Teotihuacan and the Vatican.

6:30 pm

Teotihuacan and the Vatican

Teotihuacan and the Vatican

When I was in school, I was told that Christopher Columbus discovered America.

No. Better than that, I was TAUGHT by the grown up, adult teachers, that I trusted and wanted to learn from and emulate, that Christopher Columbus and his Spanish Conquistadors came to the Americas and found the people here savage, dark complexioned and backwards. The mentally torturous and systemically designed story of Columbus, in the third grade, went on to continue with the delusions and falsehood that the Spanish came to the Americas; found the “New World” and where so benevolent that they wanted to save the souls of these savage inhabitants.

These savage, heathen people were called by those teachers, Indians…and that Christopher Columbus had gotten lost at sea while sailing on a quest to find India. I heard that story from the age of 8 years old all the way past my teens and into adulthood.

When I was in that 3rd grade classroom, however, when the teachers were giving us the history of America and the so-called discovery of Columbus, I was so angered by the mis-education and false information that I totally began to rebel from school. I did not have any information at my age to speak up and say, “There were already people here in Central America and South America, how could Christopher Columbus discover an already populated place?”

The third grade is when I noticed a split in the world. I noticed a policy of divide and conquer at 8 years old. This was the age when I also learned that there were 7 continents. At that tender age I had no where to find understanding or knowledge that could keep my young mind together. It felt like those lessons and lies in the class room was like a big window that was opened and out of that window flew and escaped all of my imagination and hope.

Can you imagine giving lies to children that are so deeply rooted in their psychology that the developmental process is completely shut down? Who would stand to gain from a curriculum of falsehood such as that?

There are still adults, to this very day and hour, that believe Christopher Columbus discovered America. These brain damaged adults even believe that the Papal Bulls and authority given to the Spanish to conquer, kill, enslave and lobotomize the “dark” inhabitants of Mexico, Central and South America and those islands was justified because of the Holy Church.

Why does the Vatican have a copy of this place in Teotihuacan, Mexico as the road to and from St. Peter’s Square?

It wasn’t until I read the…

More to come. Click here for Part II…

(photo used for education purpose only)